Child Custody Lawyer in Kaysville, UT
The Best Child Custody Attorney in the State
Murphy and Murphy Law will provide you with the best child custody attorney in Kaysville, UT. Determining the custody of a child is never easy, even when the determination is amicable. That’s why you want the best lawyers on your side to fight your case for you. We’re here to explain the ins and outs of custody law, breaking it down so you can understand what’s required of you and how we can help you strategize and win your case. Our trusted team of experts will be there to reassure you that you’re not alone. We’ll work with you every step of the way to serve your needs and the justice you deserve.
The Difference Between Child Custody and Visitation
Navigating complex child custody laws can be tricky. That’s why we’ve broken down a few key terms so, if you need to hire a lawyer or go to court over your child, you’ll be familiar with the process and focus your goals. Doing so will help you strengthen your case. The two key terms to understand are:
- Custody: Otherwise known as “parent time,” custody determines which parent is best suited to care for the child on a regular, day-to-day basis and attend to their mental, physical, and emotional needs.
- Visitation: The times and schedule the non-custodial parent gets to spend time with the child.
What’s the Difference Between Legal and Physical Custody?
Legal and physical custody overlap in many ways, but they’re still different terms with separate definitions. Your child custody attorney will help you figure out the specifics of your particular case.
- Legal Custody: When one or more parents receive legal custody, they can make the most important decisions in the child’s life, including but not limited to: where they go to school, which doctors they see, how the child is primarily raised, and more.
- Physical Custody: Parents who are awarded physical custody dictate the physical location and home of the child most of the time. Parents can possess both legal and physical custody, depending on the circumstances.

What Are the Different Types of Custody?
There are several types of custody that parents can receive. Whatever your case, we’ll provide the best child custody attorney for your needs:
- Sole Legal and Physical: A single parent retains complete physical placement and decision-making authority over the child. The other parent may still receive visitation rights if deemed appropriate.
- Joint Legal and Physical: Both parents share the decision-making and placement for the child’s well-being. They’re also entitled to equal visitation rights by court appointment.
- Joint Legal/Sole Physical: In most cases, one parent is awarded the physical placement of the parent while the other is granted visitation rights. However, the court may approve both parents for decision-making for the child.
- Split Custody: In these cases, the child’s time is divided equally between both parents.
What Are the Different Types of Custody?
There are several types of custody that parents can receive. Whatever your case, we’ll provide the best child custody attorney for your needs:
- Sole Legal and Physical: A single parent retains complete physical placement and decision-making authority over the child. The other parent may still receive visitation rights if deemed appropriate.
- Joint Legal and Physical: Both parents share the decision-making and placement for the child’s well-being. They’re also entitled to equal visitation rights by court appointment.
- Joint Legal/Sole Physical: In most cases, one parent is awarded the physical placement of the parent while the other is granted visitation rights. However, the court may approve both parents for decision-making for the child.
- Split Custody: In these cases, the child’s time is divided equally between both parents.
The Best Child Custody Attorney for Your Family
Unfortunately, many child custody cases don’t go smoothly. Though it’s preferable to have both parties reach an agreement for the health and welfare of their child, too many cases end up becoming battles filled with pride, ego, and sometimes malicious intent. That’s why we’re the best lawyers for determining the custody of your child and helping you become the custodial parent. We have years of experience as the safest, most reasonable solution for countless children throughout the city. If you need a lawyer for child custody that maintains an excellent reputation, get in touch with us today through phone call or our contact form.