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Experienced Family & Criminal Lawyer in Kaysville, UT

Attorney Helping You Through Tough Times

Murphy’s Law dictates, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” However, this doesn’t have to always be the case. If you’ve made a mistake resulting in a criminal misdemeanor or felony, you can turn to the experienced Murphy & Murphy Law to help you plead your case. As a criminal defense lawyer in Kaysville who focuses on DUI and drug possession cases, Murphy & Murphy Law uses his 25+ years of expertise to help you protect your legal rights. When it feels like everything’s going wrong around you, it’s comforting to know that you made the right decision by contacting our seasoned law firm.

Licensed to practice in Utah and Idaho, Murphy & Murphy Law is also an experienced juvenile and family lawyer, ready to take on all your cases involving contested or uncontested divorces, adoptions, custody issues and/or traffic citations. Because he understands the long-lasting consequences involved with these areas of law, you can rest assured that he won’t ever treat you or your case lightly.

Criminal and family lawyer in Kaysville, UT

Why Choose Us to Represent You in Utah’s Courts?

Whether you’ve been criminally charged or you’re going through a divorce, you probably have many questions about what to expect during the proceedings. While there are many family, juvenile and criminal lawyers in the Kaysville area that you can turn to for help, there are many compelling reasons why you should feel comfortable choosing the Murphy & Murphy Law to represent you in Utah’s courts, including:

Family & Criminal Lawyer in Kaysville, UT
  • Very Experienced Trial Lawyer – Murphy & Murphy Law has been in practice for over 25 years and has earned a reputation for being extremely thorough and prepared for every case we take on.
  • Tough and Aggressive – Murphy & Murphy Law fights vigorously for you and your legal rights. Our goal is to help you see your charges dropped, dismissed or reduced.
  • A Good Listener – Murphy & Murphy Law really cares about his clients and takes the time to listen to you while preparing the best possible defense. We understand your worries and frustrations and explain your case options to you in terms that you can actually understand.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation with Our Attorney

Family & Criminal Defense Lawyer at in Kaysville, Utah

Contact Our Utah Legal Firm Today

Murphy & Murphy Law is an aggressive attorney who knows how to get the job done. You can expect experienced, professional legal representation when you give our family and criminal defense lawyer in Kaysville a call. Contact us to schedule your free consultation so that we can begin building your case!

Parental Defense Award at Murphy & Murphy Law in Kaysville, UT

Murphy & Murphy Law Google Review

Murphy & Murphy Law

Office Address
13 North Main Street
Kaysville, UT 84037

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 15
Kaysville, UT 84037


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: By Appointment Only

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